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Affiliate Events
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Mark Your Calendars:Mar - ACS NY Chemistry Olympiad at various high schools in the greater NY area www.NewYorkACS.org Mar 28 - ACS New York Section - Williams H. Nichols 108th Distinguished Annual Symposium and Medal Award Dinner in honor of Professor Amos Smith who will discuss "Evolution of Anion Relay Chemistry (ARC): Design, Synthesis and Validation." 1:30pm - 9:00pm at the Crown Plaza Hotel, White Plains, NY. More information at www.NewYorkACS.org Mar 30 - ACS NY Chemagination for high school chemistry students at St. John's University, NY www.NewYorkACS.org May 4 - ACS NY Undergraduate Research Symposium at SUNY College, Westbury, NY www.NewYorkACS.org Jun 11-12 - The 2nd ICIS US Aromatics & Derivatives Conference at Magnolia Hotel, Houston, TX, will focus on the new reality for aromatics feedstocks and identifying the opportunities for US market players. The 2nd ICIS US Aromatics & Derivatives Conference has been designed to uncover the key drivers and threats within the US market, and realize opportunities for future production, imports and the long term balance of supply and demand. Attend the 1 ½ day conference to take away the insights and market analysis you need to navigate the new reality for aromatics feedstocks, and capitalize on the opportunities for US and global market players. Don’t miss out on this one meeting place for the global BTX community. PLUS! CM&E members receive an exclusive 10% discount. Please contact Sarah for your unique discount code. For conference information go to www.icis.com/worldsurfactants Oct 26 - ACS NY National Chemistry Week at New York hall of Science, Flushing, NY www.NewYorkACS.org ChemPharma upcoming events
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