Founding CME


CME was established in 1954 by an ACS NY Section's steering committee in orderr to address the challenges of the industry of chemistry in all of its phases.


Over time the group focus has expanded from technology and business to investments and policy in order to develop a holistic approach to advancing the transformational power of chemistry, the central science, for the benefit of humanity.


The founding committee included leaders from the Vick Chemical Company (acquired by P&G), Allied Chemical and Dye (acquired by Honeywell), Celanese Corporation, The Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter (acquired by ICIS), and American Cyanamid (parts of the company were acquired separately by BASF, Pfizer and Cytec).


The inaugural speaker was Dr. Joseph G. Davidson, president of Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company (Union Carbide later acquired by the Dow Chemical Company).



















  • 1 Sharpen your Strategy
  • 1 Where Technology, Business & Investment Meet
  • 1 Pioneering
  • 1 Cutting-edge
  • 1 Authoritative. Timely. Actionable.
  • 1 Stimulating
  • 1 Insightful
  • 1 Global Networking
  • 1 Help Create the Future
  • 1 Progress Through Science Education
  • 1 Become a Member
  • 1 The American Chemical Society – Est. 1876
  • 1 The World's Largest Scientific Society
  • 1 Over 160,000 Members Worldwide

CME ACS NY Leadership Awards(TM)
Annual Recognition of Brilliant Leaders - This event won the ACS ChemLuminary Award for Global Engagement


Purpose of the Award

The Chemical Marketing & Economics (CME) Leadership Award(TM) is for outstanding leadership in any activity that advances chemistry or science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for the benefit of Earth and its people.

Nature of the Award

The annual recognition consists of CME’s Leadership Award crystal award in more than one category that may include lifetime achievement, investment, global growth, innovation, global STEM involvement, philanthropy, economic development, or other endeavors related to chemistry, and contributions that CME will make on behalf of the award recipients to advance the STEM educational activities of organizations such as the American Chemical Society including support to the college and high school students who attend CME luncheons, ACS Scholars program, the ACS Chemistry Festivals, the ACS International Chapters and other STEM programs. The award was established in 2012 by the CME Board of Directors to celebrate the 58th Anniversary of the CME Topical Group of the American Chemical Society’s New York Section (ACS-NY).


The leadership to be recognized is for significant contributions in a variety of activities, including but not limited to the initiation or sponsorship of a singular endeavor or exemplary leading role in the lifetime achievement, investment, global growth, innovation, global STEM involvement, philanthropy, economic development, or other endeavors related to chemistry or STEM programs. ACS-NY or CME members, as individuals or representing a company (including divisions), may make a nomination. There are no fees to make a nomination. Present members of the Board of Directors of CME or ACS-NY and staff are ineligible for this award. The awards committee of CME will select the recipient.

The Nomination Application

The nomination requirements are as follows:

1) one nomination page indicating the date, name, title, company, address, email and telephone of both the nominator and the nominee filled out,
2) one summary page describing the merit of the nominated leader including financial and societal impact,
3) up to 3 supporting documents (articles, awards...) and
4) the leader's biography.

The Award Nomination process is by email only. No later than January 30 of the award year, all documents noted above must be scanned and sent to:  [email protected]. However, the deadline may vary so please inquire before submission.

Each selected nominee and the nominator will be notified no later than March 31 of the award year. Thank you for your participation.

CME Award Sponsorship Information

CME Award Sponsorship information: [email protected] 

American Chemical Society’s New York Section, Inc. 
CME - Chemical Marketing & Economics Group  
3322 Highway 22 West, Suite 421
Branchburg, NJ 08876  

CME Website: 


Award Endorsement by ACS

“Among ACS’ firmament of stars, the Chemical Marketing & Economics group of ACS New York Section shines with unique clarity on the confluence of technology, business and investment where society harnesses the transforming power of chemistry. Congratulations to CME for instituting the Award for Leadership during the 12-6-12 celebration of the group’s 58th Anniversary!"

May 11, 2012

Madeleine Jacobs
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.

Award Endorsement by ACS New York Section

“The ACS New York Section salutes CME for its 58 years of service to the professional community interested in the business of chemistry. We have dramatically strengthened our presence in New York thanks to the CME's Board of Directors and active members who set new ground their category. The ACS NY Section proudly supports the CME Leadership Awards as another great milestone in the quest for excellence that has propelled CME as a model of vision, ingenuity and agility.”

May 7, 2012

JaimeLee Rizzo
2012 Chair of the American Chemical Society's New York Section and Assistant Chair of the Department of Chemistry & Physical Sciences at Pace University.

ACS New York Section Information

American Chemical Society’s New York Section, Inc. 
Department of Chemistry 
St. John's University 
8000 Utopia Parkway 
Jamaica, NY 11439 

ACS-NY Website: